Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!


TEAM: Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

As we reflect on the year that was, we realize how many lessons we have learned not only as a company but also as individuals. We realized how much we might have taken for granted and the many things we had and still have to be grateful for in an uncertain world.

We learned we don't need all the things we thought we did. When it comes down to it, our basic needs are a roof over our heads, food for our families, and some level of social interaction, no matter in-person or through a screen. We carried this same philosophy over to how we as a company reorganized and operated. Asking ourselves, "What do we really need to get the job done?" We learned how to stay focused. When the world seemed to come to a screeching halt, we took the time to refocus ourselves—taking into account our long-term goals while resolving the "new normal" with our short-term goals.


We took the time to deal with the world as it unfolded. Managing our firm's and our families' safety and grappling with the reality of social justice, setting aside time to have real conversations amongst ourselves and our peers. Discussions about what part we could and would play in the solutions for our community. 

Community Outreach Luncheon Event

We finally were and remain incredibly grateful to all our external colleagues, no matter if we work for them or with them. Without these individuals, we wouldn't be able to continue doing what we love to do, planning, designing, and supporting communities. So we want to wish you and your family an abundant and safe 2021!


BCT Design Group

TeamBrennan MurrayHoliday